Secret Codes
General Codes: *#06# – Display’s IMEI number. *2767*3855# – This code will Format your device to factory state (will delete everything o…
Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text.
General Codes: *#06# – Display’s IMEI number. *2767*3855# – This code will Format your device to factory state (will delete everything o…
Get registred user role in wordpress The simplest and the easiest way to do so is to use get_userdata() wordpress function. The exa…
Protecting PHP projects using .htaccess file Lets starts with hiding .php extension. But for that we n…
Headers already sent the simplest solutions of this issue is to find your wp-config.php and this this code on the first line of wp-config…
How to make widgets in WordPress 1. first of all you need to find out the widget.php in your theme . if there is no widget.php you can…
Hide theme options in wordpress for specific user/admin There are many methods to do so but the effect methods are With CSS With WordP…
Get post view without any plugin in WordPress Follow the steps given bellow Go to your theme’s function.php and add the following…
Create a custom WordPress Page First of all create a custom page in the root folder of your WordPress theme and name it cu…
Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting has been the industry's.